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Tree House Brewing Company
929 notes
Tree House Brewing Company
Monson, United States

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Post author: Jorkke
5 days ago
Hyvää mutta odotukset oli paljon korkeammalla. :) no nyt tämä on maistettu!

Post author: Johan B
Johan B
2 months ago
Sweet ripe mango and orange is prominent. Sweeter than I remember. Quality from the first sip to the last. Not the same sensation as last time, but it’s a really really good beer.

Post author: Jussips
@ Hoptimaal
2 months ago
Synttärilahjaolut testiin. Tosi tukevasti humaloitu, katkerot hurjan pitkällä jälkimaulla. Hyvin vähän nopeasti häipyvää mangoa, pääosin greippinen. Sama tunnelma kuin Sierra Nevadan Torpedossa, väreineen kaikkineen.

Post author: Johan B
Johan B
2 months ago
4 months in the can seems to be regular when I buy Tree house beers in EU. I want them fresher. Aroma: Stone fruits (mango, peach and some more), citrus, herbal/floral/piney. Taste: Orange, peach, mango. Quite juicy and smooth. Piney, herbal. I was hoping for more, but it might not be fresh enough.

Post author: Johan B
Johan B
2 months ago
Second review. Seriously one of the best coffee stouts I've tried. I can’t believe it’s only 6,4% ABV. Rich and creamy. Loads of coffee! Milky, chocolaty, smooth. Some vanilla, slightly tart coffee. Love it!