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Cricket Hill Brewing Co
3 notes
Cricket Hill Brewing Co
Fairfield, United States

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Post author: Mr X
Mr X
6 years ago
This one is quite unique. For an amber/red you get the best of both works. This has some citrus, that leans towards grapefruit, with some piney hops. It is also quite malty that consists of caramel / toffee with a nice nutty taste to it. Well carbonated as you can see. Overall it meshes well & is not exactly a lighter beer. This is another that I can see some not enjoying as much as others. To me the uniqueness gets it to a 4 easily & found enjoyable for myself.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
6 years ago
A Belgium pale ale that has that unmistakable Belgium taste. Coriander that is heavy. Some light Belgium spices. A decent Belgium version

Post author: Buddha
7 years ago
It's a nice beer to have with an omelet. It's got a light taste with not many unusual notes. It's just ok to my palette.