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Uley Brewery
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Uley Brewery

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Post author: Tom J
Tom J
@ The Old Spot Inn
3 months ago
Quite strong. Reasonably malty abd with an hint of something else. Smoke? Meat? Not sure. Good though.

Post author: James A
James A
2 years ago
Good quality bitter from a big home-box. Keeps well, it’s an easy-to-drink bitter with a little fruitiness and nutty flavour.

Post author: Andy T
Andy T
@ Brewery Shades
2 years ago
Slightly hoppy English style IPA

Post author: Walker N
Walker N
@ The Round Of Gras
3 years ago
Not for me, Thought I was drinking cider, too sweet,one pint was enough

Post author: Walker N
Walker N
@ The Fleece Inn
3 years ago

Post author: Walker N
Walker N
@ The Fleece Inn
3 years ago
Great all round session ale

Post author: Karen B
Karen B
3 years ago
Not bad, had 2 pints at The Fleece Inn, Bretforton, Evesham, with my Sunday Dinner.

Post author: James A
James A
5 years ago
A very gentle low alcohol golden ale. Flat as a pancake, little bit of citrus with the hops.

Post author: Paul D
Paul D
5 years ago
Lovely. In the Three Horseshoes, Frampton on Severn.