8 ratings
Doan's Craft Brewing Company
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@ Liquor Plus5 years ago
Not quite black but dark nonetheless. Displays copper and red hues when held to the light.
Proudly supports a thick ivory head, a finger and a half high, that happily lingers and never fully falls away.
A healthy roast barley makes up the majority of the aroma and is accented by very minor notes of ashen tar and licorice. When swirled it releases some chocolate and a sweet scent
The flavour profile is generous but light. Roast barley, chocolate, dark chocolate, ash and charred nut. But clean and easy on the tongue. Mild hops bitterness that adds just enough support to balance the drink.
Decent brew.

@ Liquor Plus6 years ago
This stout uses a cream liquor base instead of lacto to create (allegedly) a similar experience.
It has all the right visual components to be a good stout, nearly opaque darkness with just a tiny hint of red shining through the flashlight test. A large dark head of loosely packed bubbles that doesnt fully disappear and grows to a solid 2 1/2 fingers upon the pour.
Aromatically, I'm a little concerned. It boasts a strong dark coffee and distinct rye spiciness. Some dark chocolate and strong cocoa are also present. The beer smells bitter but not of hops. The bitterness of burnt, dark roast coffee, roast barley and super dark chocolates.
There is something I could call a cream liquor type scent I think.
The mouthfeel is creamy and thick, it has a fairly hefty body, but not fully heavy. A wonderful sweetness comes through and really helps tame the bitter aspects of what was previously described in the nose. The roasty, dark chocolate and coffee is still very much there but the rye is surprisingly pronounced. Quite tasty. I like it like I like espresso.

Juan Guillermo
6 years ago

7 years ago
Mmm quite lovely. Smooth and full bodied. Warm.

@ Beverly Corners8 years ago
Big roasty up front flavour with hints of chocolate and maybe a wee nudge of coffee. A decent amount of bitterness with peppery undertones to finish up. I dig this one.