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3 Floyds Brewing Company
434 notes
3 Floyds Brewing Company
Munster, United States

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Post author: Noch Mal Bitte
Noch Mal Bitte
12 days ago
Jenkki maistelu jatkuu ja nyt löytyy tuotekin täältä. Rapsakkaa on, ei banaanit ahdistele.

Post author: G-hamaa
22 days ago
Ui juma. Viereisestä kivijalasta. Mahtavuutta.

Post author: When In Rome
When In Rome
2 months ago
And yet again 3 Floyd's comes thru with a very tasty brew. Pours almost black with two fingers of tan head. Nose is roasted malt with faint chocolate. On the buds, roasted malt (like Mr. X said, almost charred) with chocolate undertones. The 8% ABV is well hidden. If you come across this one, and you like stouts, you really should try it.

Post author: When In Rome
When In Rome
2 months ago
Wow! Straight from the frig the ABV made it's presence known a split second after hitting the tongue. Upon warming, the coffee, then chocolate, hit first followed by the booze. At 15.2 ABV, it would be hard to hide the alcohol in any way, shape, or form. They didn't (couldn't) hide it, it's there, but a tasty adult beverage to enjoy. Knocked it a half star because it is a bit to boozy.