7 arviota
Bière du Lac
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Rekisteröi panimoArviot
1 year ago
Une mousse dense et tenace, un nez herbacé, en bouche c'est un peu trop carbonaté, mais on a une jolie base sur les céréales, puis l'amertume s'impose, très marquée, assez sèche, on a de la longueur en bouche, une jolie IPA.
@ Drinks of the World, Geneva5 years ago
Rather foggy, amber beer allows some light to penetrate the liquid. The ray of light reveals that the lazy, rapid carbonation lays a moderate, off-white head that just rises half a centimeter tall. The foamy lid contracts soon to a hair-thin lacing on the top. No splatters are left behind.
The olfactory package proves to be astonishingly subdued. I try to "squeeze" something out of the fragrance but all I get is a faint note of sweet malt and something fruity; not sure though whether it's lemon or apricot -- it's so recessive.
On the taste receptors the beer gives strong sweet biscuity malt, bags of fermented banana, recognizeable proportions of cantaloupe and apricot as well as a hint of mango. I can also trace sugared lemon pulp there. A fairly heavy punch of yeast leaves its fingerprint on the gustatory experience. A detectable alcoholic effect is evident right from the start albeit it's by no means disturbing and actually moves soon out of my radar.
The body is medium-full. The aftertaste puts on the table more fermented banana, somewhat sweet lemon pulp, a tad apricot, yeasty sweet malt and a biscuity nuance. Interestingly, no alcohol in the finish that otherwise disappears rather rapidly from the tastebuds' reach.
The mouthfeel is soft, smooth, somewhat thick and nectar-like. It's also a bit sticky and rather lip-glueing. Furthermore, the mouthfeel is relatively tart, remotely alcoholic and merely slightly Belgiany. A disappointment is that the alcohol doesn't leave a warming feeling in the throat.
Overall, a rather tasty and quite easy Tripel that, nevertheless, lacks such character as the good Belgian and Dutch Tripels possess.
@ Drinks of the World, Geneva5 years ago
Turbid, dirty dark brown beer with bold, regular-duration carbonation builds a soapy, beige head that initially exceeds one finger but descends rapidly to a lovely, thick layer on the surface. The retreating foam doesn't paint the glass at all.
The nostrils experience quite a multifaceted olfactory package: massive raisin, a good amount of date, sweet biscuit, a tad dough and a huge nutty note.
The taste is powerful and serves loads of oversweet brown malt, sweet biscuit and a generous injection of cane sugar. On the fruity side, I pick a penetrative combination of date, raisin and sugared nut. The sugar is brown. The boozy punch is rather aggressive.
The body is medium-full to full. Again, the oversweet mouthcoating gustatory impression mesmerizes the assessment of the body more robust than what it actually is. The beer ends with awkwardly sweet brown malt, biscuit dough, dried date and fresh raisin. Alcohol doesn't disappear anywhere from the tongue. The aftertaste keeps the tastebuds on the hook over a reasonable period.
The mouthfeel is quite sappy, somewhat boozy, even a tad chemical and tangy. It's also relatively full, quite challenging and aggressive.