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Workhorse Brewing Company
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Workhorse Brewing Company
United States

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Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
2 months ago
Happy New Years Eve. Enjoying while watching Penn State kick some azz. This has a fruity taste that leans towards toasted/burnt pineapple, light mango and pine. Hoppy side is medium+. Has a dry finish. Overall very nice. Tastes similar to Sip Tripp.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
2 months ago
Had to take a pic with this crazy Christmas ornament. Mary blowing a bubble. Just like every Christmas painting. This is very fruity that leans towards white grape with overripe pineapple and mango which is very juicy. Has a light+ hoppy bitterness. Scary good at 10% since you cannot detect the abv.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ J.T. Bankers
3 months ago
Out with wife so a quick review. Has a berry taste with some citrus and tropical fruit. A little pine. Hoppy side almost medium. Yum.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
7 months ago
Tailgating at the Phillies game. This has a fairly strong spicy, floral, grassy, earthy hops taste. Has a biscuity malt but is a little hidden because of the hops.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
8 months ago
This has a citrusy taste that leans towards lemon and very light grapefruit. Bitterness is light+. Overall it is decent but is nothing special. Kind of unoriginal. One you won’t pass up but……

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
11 months ago
Has a stone fruit taste that is mainly apricot. Has a hoppy bitterness at a light+ almost medium level. Has some very light unsweetened caramel malt giving it a little balance.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
11 months ago
So I definitely had a wrongly packaged beer before. This one tasted and looked like the original. Detective work tonight. I guess it’s not a bad thing. It just “forced” me to have another beer.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ North Penn Beverage
11 months ago
I think I got the wrong beer as I know this doesn’t look or taste like the first time which was only 6+ months ago. It is darker and tastes more like a WC style IPA. Luckily I just happened to buy a 12 pack today. Now I’m really curious if the the beer changed or if I got a different beer in the wrong can. We’ll see shortly.