1332 arviota
Brasserie Docteur Gab's
Onko tämä sinun panimo?
Rekisteröi panimosi ilmaiseksi ja hallitse panimosi tietoja Pint Pleasessa.
Rekisteröi panimoArviot
9 days ago
Ma boss m a mis la pression ! Je bois donc selon le conseil du Dr Gab’s cette belle ambrée vraiment bien brassée
Maltée ( 3 malts), bien amere avec une belle pétillance !
Sa robe est couleur acajou..magnifique
@ Drinks of the World, Geneva14 days ago
Almost fully lucid straw beer with a faint haze only and reasonable carbonation that unleashes a cloud-white head that swells two fingers thick. The foamy mattress loses air fast and shrinks to a gossamer lacing on the surface.
This Witbier portrays a typical Witbier scent: wheat, of course, and spices like coriander seed and orange peel. I've had so many Witbiers with those elements present. I'm not sure if the majority of the Witbiers I've tasted have contained at least coriander, or not, but very common it is anyway. Lemon zest and a hint of yeast complete the rather fresh olfactory experience.
The taste doesn't make an exception either: lemon zest, lemon pith, wheat malt, coriander seed, orange peel and yeast. That's the popular story. Not bad though. The freshness declines but is still at a medium level, unlike some Witbiers that offer musty and closed flavors only.
The body is thin. The end tweaks in a bitter direction, yeast raises its head, so do the grassy hops. The citrusy elements are peel now. No orange here.
The mouthfeel is thin, refreshing, a bit crisp, pithy and spiced. A difficult beerstyle but a relatively decent sample of it.
14 days ago
Neipa un peu plate ( manque de pétillance)et peu houblonnée ( normale me direz vous pour ce style) mais a la finale epicée assez agreable
Tres originale donc !
16 days ago
Fraichement houblonnée, legere et douce
Pas loin d avoir méritée son nom !
A noter que l empreinte carbone est tres bonne( la bouteille n’est produite qu’a 35 km de la brasserie)
18 days ago
Une blonde de soif qui manque de pep’s
Sinon ca etanche la swaf