1959 arviota
Brouwerij Malheur
Buggenhout, Belgium
In August 1997 in the Mandekensstraat in Buggenhout (Baasrode-Zuid) the old De Landtsheer family brewery was started up again by Manu De Landtsheer, Adolf’s son, under the name “Brewery Malheur”. So the family’s brewing tradition has been restored.
Manu De Landtsheer’s objectives were threefold: to create an original brand of beer to determine the flavour and ingredients himself to export and sell his beers on the European markets and in the United States. The name “Malheur” was not chosen “by accident”. Market research revealed that with its playful double meaning “Malheur” conjured up pleasant connotations and in brief was a name that stuck in people’s minds. Brewery Malheur is an independent, family brewery.
The brewery’s old vaulted cellar and the antique coolship, a large shallow pan into which the wort is poured to quickly cool it, are witnesses of the brewery’s rich past. The blonde Malheur beers are brewed according to an old traditional method with barley, hops and yeast but hypermodern equipment is now used in the process. The brown Malheur beers are brewed according to an old Flemish tradition with hops and spices.
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Rekisteröi panimo

11 days ago
Ça faisait longtemps que j'en avais pas goûté mais c'est une petite dinguerie, c'est super bon et ça démonte la gueule en même temps. J'adore

@ Aéroport Nantes13 days ago
Va te faire encu*** Mbappeeeee
Le malheur serait il en train de s’abattre sur SB29?? J’espère que non