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Frost Beer Works
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Frost Beer Works
Hinesburg, United States

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Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse
27 days ago
This one is a little disappointing. The hops are very light. It’s mainly citrusy that leans towards grapefruit and lemon. Bitterness is barely at the light level. Finishes dry. Overall it needs more of a hops presence. It’s not horrible but is very light on flavor. Ok for a hot day if you want something light.

Post author: Jouni H
Jouni H
3 months ago

Post author: DannyBoy
@ Craft Central
7 months ago
Strong brown colour when poured. Dominant coffee aroma. On the sweet side for a standard brown ale, my guess due to the maple syrup. Easy to drink, decent ale.

Post author: Dan Ackerman
Dan Ackerman
9 months ago
Creamy. Grassy. Nice body.

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ The Loft at the Iron Abbey
1 year ago
Has a dark roasted malt with bitter bakers chocolate. Has just a hint of blackberry to it. Must be from the chocolate. Has just a tinge of char as you finish. Has a medium thickness. Has a medium hoppy bitterness. Overall more of an older style enjoyable stout Now going to some usual dark suspects that have already been logged. Good night all

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ C J's Doghouse
3 years ago
Has a tropical taste that is passion fruit, a touch of melon and has a light berry like taste. Somewhat creamy all the way thru. Just a hint of hoppy bitterness. Very tasty tho. I’m not sure if this is the same batch #. I’m not finding a batch #. The abv matches up but brewed date is 4/23/21. There is a 90 underneath that so could be a batch # but just a guess.