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Bedlam Brewery
128 arviota
Bedlam Brewery
Lewes, England

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Post author: Bearded C
Bearded C
@ Berretts Farm
1 year ago
Bike ride beer. Cheers!

Post author: Mr Benn
Mr Benn
1 year ago
Bottle-500ml. Good. A good standard beer. This was the first time drank and it was in February 2023.

Post author: Mr Benn
Mr Benn
1 year ago
Bottle-500ml. Good. Quite a full Pale Ale, considering the 3.9%. This was the first time drank and it was in February 2023.

Post author: Adam P
Adam P
@ The Wilkes Head
1 year ago
Probably not the best I’ve had but not awful

Post author: Bigfer
@ The pennyweight
2 years ago
This was an amber beer. Nothing special apart from the inflated price. If it wasn't for the pub quiz I would have stayed at home and watched University Challenge with my home brew. Would have saved a bomb.

Post author: Adam P
Adam P
@ The Wilkes Head
2 years ago
Nice APA going down very nicely