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Kirke session bitter 3.8%, Corsaire - Microbrasserie Pirate, Canada
7 notes
Kirke session bitter
3.8% Bitter


Post author: Benoit G
Benoit G
2 years ago

Post author: Dave P
Dave P
4 years ago

Post author: Sébastien L
Sébastien L
5 years ago
Besoin d'une légère, mais tu veux du goût! C'est pour toi!

Post author: David M
David M
5 years ago
Kirke session bitter, Canada
Bière style ipa plutôt légère, 3.8% d'alcool. Elle a gagné les prix World beer cup, World beer award (world best style winner, Canada winner). Elle gagne aussi à être goûté.

Post author: Danny B
Danny B
5 years ago
Kirke session bitter, Canada
This one is a Session Bitter. Nice amber beer with a little foamy head. I can smell herbal hop and malty caramel. After a sip, I can taste herbal notes with grapefruit from the hops and caramel and brown bread from the malt. The beer is light and crisp. A easy drinking one! It’s well balanced. Cheers!

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Cowichan commons liquor
6 years ago
Kirke session bitter, Canada
This caught my eye today so here we go.... Orange copper with a short lived frothy head. Initially I was getting a big lemon citrus aroma, but after a few moments to breathe a much more malty caramel and light eye bread took over. Medium light body and extra crisp on the tongue from good carbonation, this bitter does have a lemon hint to the bitterness. The mildly malty spine is very nice with a bit of caramel and saltine cracker but over all feels balanced although the hops are the main stager. Very enjoyable quaffable beer.