
@ Beverly Corners7 years ago

New beer day at one of the local shops. I was excited to see a new Amber ale to allow me a rest from winter ales and stouts.
It graced my glass with a very nice looking Amber liquid and produces a respectable cream 2 finger head that was slightly loose, shrank quickly and left a spider web of thin traces.
I was greeted with delightful caramel, biscuit, cracker, and something a little earthy in the aromas. A swirl and a second sinus sample revealed earthy hops and a slight metallic tang.
Still hopeful I set about satiating my salivating sauce sampler and swallowed a swig.
Thin, watery, and and a bit bland.
It did have some caramel and biscuit, but it also had that bit of metallic flavour. If the malt had given this a better backbone, the hops would have been perfect. Instead they were left hanging and probably feeling foolish.
Now unknown I've been a little harsh on this Amber, and I probably wouldn't buy it again, but it was better than no beer. If someone were to offer me one I would accept and help dispose of it in a most gentlemanly manner. But I would not want a commemorative photo of it and myself lest I be seen as less than discriminating.
No bonus points.