Chamomile Black Pilsner


@ Liquor Plus7 years ago

A deep reddish black, with a decent slightly darkish head.
Tantalizing mellow roast chocolate caramel aroma with floral suggestions and a bit of hops.
The first sip reveals smooth, mild, slightly chocolatey, dark caramel and delightful chamomile taste that sweetens then slowly starts to allow a bit of the roast flavour to come forward and bring with it a wee bit of hops spiciness. As it warms and I get to know it, it seems to leave an interesting taste that reminds me of some kind of candy that I might possibly have never had. An odd nostalgia. I can definitely pick up the pilsner foundation of this beer but it has become so much more. I really like it. Wonderful.

7 years ago

MMM Absolutely delicious! Didn't know what to expect from the chamomile angle but it's ever so subtle and adds a wonderful dynamic. Dark and strong, but really well balanced. Full bodied flavor throughout with just the smallest sharp bite at the end! Wow really enjoyable, I will definitely be adding this to my buy again list !