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Sat On Rhubarb 5.3%, Mills Brewing, England
3 notes
Sat On Rhubarb
5.3% Sour / Wild Ale


Post author: Ben B
Ben B
@ Salutation Inn
7 years ago
Sat On Rhubarb, England

Post author: Ben B
Ben B
@ Salutation Inn
7 years ago
Sat On Rhubarb, England

Post author: Chris B
Chris B
@ Salutation Inn
7 years ago
Sat On Rhubarb, England
I've been away for a few days with family celebrating my folks Golden Wedding Anniversary. Sadly the only thing worth drinking was Estella which I didn't have the energy to review. 'Continental Lager' sums it up really... Anyway - the sun is shining and it's a Bank Holiday weekend. This sour/wild beer is brewed about 500 yards away by Mills...yes we have two breweries in the village! It's sharper than a Theatre Critic and is a real double eye wincer. You can taste the 4 months of fermentation with wild yeast and the two months with masses of local rhubarb. It's earthy and punchy, palate cleansing and fresh. Lovely stuff. And even better - a phalanx of old bikers on classic motorbikes has pulled up.