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Rumpkin 16.9%, Avery Brewing Company, United States
3 notes
16.9% Pumpkin Ale
We wondered what would happen if a monstrous pumpkin ale, plump full of spicy gourdiness, were aged in fine fresh rum barrels to add suggestions of delicate oak and candied molasses. Rumpkin is what happens!


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Beer Republic Web Shop
4 years ago
Rumpkin, United States
Finally opening door #6 of my Advent Calendar. This door serves Avery's "Rumpkin". The beer colors muddy, raisin brown. Loads of unidentified particles seem to float in the beer. The tame, short-lived carbonation creates a modest, tiny-bubbled, latte-hued lace ring that fails to even cover the entire top. Gradually the surface settles down to a frazil-icy lacing. Very few splatters are left on the glass. The fragrance offers a generous amount of extraordinarily sweet malt, bags of drycake and hefty sweet biscuit, seasoned with delicate vanilla. Pumpkin is astonishingly powerful, both in the form of pumpkin pie and pumpkin jam. Spices are also prominent, I get especially nutmeg and, to a lesser extent, some cinnamon. As if faint chili would also loom in the background. The scent is rich, multidimensional and attractive. I love this!ย  โค๏ธ The taste portrays massive sweet pumpkin pie, a big spoonful of pumpkin jam, powerful sweet malt, biscuit and drycake. Raisin has stepped bravely to the limelight, followed by fresh fig and velvety vanilla. Nutmeg features massively on the tongue, accompanied by recognizeable cinnamon. Alcohol is almost silent despite the ABV of 16.9 %. The taste is a bit oversweet but, when enjoyd sloooowly, it works beautifully as dessert. The body is full. The beer ends with bags of sweet malt, drycake and hefty pumpkin pie, seasoned nicely with a good amount of nutmeg and decent cinnamon. The aftertaste sends quick flying kisses to the tastebuds and disappears after a short while. The mouthfeel is, first and foremost, desserty and requires time for enjoyment. It's also strong, sappy and lip-glueing. Furthermore, the mouthfeel is rich, nicely deep, elegant and multidimensional, generally speaking attractive. This is exactly what I have been looking for when I had complained that Pumpkin Ales are far too rare in Finland. This is simply lovely! I want to also hereby wish a hoppy Beerdependence Day for the hoppiest people in the world! Never forget! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ

Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago
Pumpkin and pumpkin pie spices in the aroma. Not much rum detected. Taste has pumpkin, cinnamon, vanilla, allspice, cloves and a subtle rum. Very well balanced. Booze is very well hidden. This 16.9% beer drinks like it's around 10 or 11%. One of the best pumpkin beers I've had the pleasure of trying. 4.5/5