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US Brown 5.5%, Brick Brewery, England
1 notes
US Brown
5.5% Brown Ale
Brown Ale with a citrus twist.


Post author: Onesimus T
Onesimus T
7 years ago
US Brown, England
US Brown from Brick Brewery This is a curious concoction where Newcastle Brown Ale meets a New England IPA The beer pours darkish brown with a little fizz and a foamy beige head peaks at two finger that took a little while to settle to a sustained thin layer and the glass was laced nicely The nose was somewhat restrained but the typical Brown Ale aromas were there, caramel and a nuttiness, then the citrus twist. In the mouth you feel it's medium light body and carbonation giving a dainty effervescence and along with the citrus work together as pick up to the palate. The flavour dance begins with the citrus, this is then layered with the brown notes. There are no big flavour hits from either side and apart from a benign pithy finish that's all there is. Sedentary stuff for accompanying stay at home burned burgers.