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Double Jeopardy 10.0%, Scofflaw Brewing Co, United States
4 ratings
Double Jeopardy
10.0% Imperial IPA / Double IPA
It’s worth the risk to go for Double Jeopardy IPA. This complex and easy drinking imperial IPA pours a hazy golden orange with a fluffy, stark white foam that dissipates to moderate lacing -- proof of the crime of an empty glass. The aroma floods the senses with bright citrus and New World tropical flavors led by Simcoe hops. Double Jeopardy has a malty bite up front from caramel and pale malts followed by a resinous hoppy middle, then finishes with a lingering, bittersweet boozy tingle. This big and bold unfiltered IPA taunts you: Can you walk away without having another?


Post author: BeerBoy Reidster
BeerBoy Reidster
1 year ago
Real smooth for a 10%er

Post author: USER31759
4 years ago

Post author: Greg M
Greg M
6 years ago
Legitamit double.