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Special Extra Export Stout 9.0%, Brouwerij De Dolle Brouwers, Belgium
36 valoraciones
Special Extra Export Stout
9.0% Foreign Stout / Export Stout
Of dark almost black chocolate color. Nose: musky, slightly sweet and spicy, Lots of chocolate , coffee and some hazelnut notes on the palate intermingling with notes of licorice. Very lively on the tongue! It finishes with a dry explosion of black espresso flavors.


Post author: Tabu
3 years ago
Special Extra Export Stout, Belgium
Tämä oli jotenki hapan... Ei kyllä oikee maistu🤔 Jotenki sourin makuunen😬

Post author: Mr X
Mr X
@ The Loft at the Iron Abbey
3 years ago
Special Extra Export Stout, Belgium
Ending the night on this Belgium stout I found which is not something I normally come across here. Pours like a Belgium as it is very carbonated. Has a black cherry with some dark fruit taste that is very tart. Has a touch of chocolate. Overall this might be my first Belgium stout. If not, I haven’t had many. It was far from what I expected. Not bad but quite different. I would like to know why Belgium beers are always so carbonated??? Is it the yeast??? They always foam up. I did not expect that from a stout.

Post author: Jivaro
@ Absolument Bières
3 years ago
Special Extra Export Stout, Belgium
De Dolle toujours avec cette Stout export ce soir ! A l'oeil, c'est une bière à la belle robe chocolat avec des reflets cuivrés sous la lumière. La mousse beige tient assez bien dans la durée. Au nez, on sent le malt grillé, les fruits confits et un peu l'alcool. En bouche, on a le cocktail complet de la Stout habituelle : malt torréfié, fruits confits, une touche caramélisée et un petit côté alcoolisé sur la fin. Rien de très original mais recette bien équilibrée et efficace pour les amateurs du genre !

Post author: L.
4 years ago

Post author: Pascal D
Pascal D
4 years ago

Post author: Fedi
4 years ago

Post author: Jilou
4 years ago
Special Extra Export Stout, Belgium
Une excellente stout comme on l attend. Très belle mousse et couleur. On goût c’est bien puissant et onctueux. Les belges savent donc aussi faire des très bonnes bières autres que les triples

Post author: Toms
@ Bière au logis
4 years ago
Special Extra Export Stout, Belgium
Une très bonne stout bien équilibré des arômes café chocolat léger

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
4 years ago
Special Extra Export Stout, Belgium
Nightcap. Bottled on:? Temperature: +11 C I know the authentic Belgian style beers are almost always highly carbonated, but seriously Belgians, you don't have to carbed up all the God damn beers!!! 2/5 The nose has chocolate, toastiness, licorice and a worrying berry-like tart aroma🙄pretty decent, still: 3,5/5 The body is too light, beer overly carbonated. Feels extremely dry... 2/5 Taste indeed has a light berry-like tart flavor, close to raspberry. Luckily it doesn't dominate too much but its presence is still a flaw and annoying... Chocolate, coffee, darker fruits, very, very basic, but ok. Some tannins it seems.: 8/15 Either the Belgians really like to carbonate many of their beers extremely high or Belgium in a box shop doesn't store their beers properly. I think at least 1/3 of the beers I bought there are overly carbed. First and last time I bought beers in that shop... Well, maybe Lambics and Saisons at the time to time will find their way in the shopping cart. But nevertheless, this beer is not that good and once again contaminated beer based on the carbonation and tart flavor/aroma: 9/20 =24,5/50 *this needs to be swrilled about 30 min do reduce the carbonation. Once the carbonation is milder the beer starts to open up more.

Post author: Bocknroll
4 years ago
Special Extra Export Stout, Belgium
Stout, jossa selviä quadrupel vaikutteitta. Uuuuupea vaahto, korkin auettua vaahto pyrkii välittömästi ulos pullosta. Maistuvaa, eipä voi Dollelta muuta odottaakaan.