1 arviota
The Pastry Archy Chocolate Cherry Dessert Stout
9.4% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
This splendidly smooth pour is crafted with tart cherry and rich chocolate. Dark and decadent.


@ Ray's Cave1 month ago

Watching the college playoff game between Penn State and Notre Dame. Go Penn State!! This Duclaw series is hit and miss. Hope this is a good one.
Small head that disappears quickly. Aroma is sweet chocolate. Texture is only medium heavy, that's light for an Imperial Stout. Both soft and smooth. Dark milk chocolate with a liqueur cherry blended in. Alcohol gives it a modest burn. Not much change going into the finish except maybe add a little cocoa dryness to it.
If the cherry flavor had been a little stronger it would have been much like a chocolate covered cherry in those Christmas time boxes. Nothing very special about this but I am glad that there's no artificial flavoring that is easily apparent.