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Seven Bridges 5.3%, Jekyll Brewing, United States
1 notes
Seven Bridges
5.3% Oktoberfest / Märzen
IBU : 24


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
2 months ago
Seven Bridges, United States
Found this at the local state line store. I enjoy a good Marzen Oktoberfest Brew. Modest head did not last. Attractive copper color. Has a very slight Haze to it, which is unexpected. Aroma gives both the desired Amber and the distinctive marzen. Very soft body. It's a little sweeter than I would prefer. The Amber flavor has a slight nutty trait, lemon in the background, it's effervescence is lingering. The finish adds a mild earthiness with a pinch of bitterness. I would have preferred the flavor to have a little more punch to it but overall it's a very drinkable beer. Not outstanding but definitely good for tonight's bowl of chili.