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Sleigh'd to rest 5.2%, Black Iris Brewery, England
3 ratings
Sleigh'd to rest
5.2% Wheat Beer / Wheat Ale


Post author: Sam K
Sam K
@ Beerkat Tap Room & Bottle Shop
2 months ago
Sleigh'd to rest, England
Good, but not as good as your European wheat beers. Nice design.

Post author: Darren W
Darren W
@ Black Iris brewery
8 months ago
Sleigh'd to rest, England
This beer works well for me. You’ve got the unmistakeable flavour that you get with wheat beers delivered in a clean and crisp manner delivered from the American hops. Good job Black Iris!

Post author: Karl G
Karl G
@ The Bear
9 months ago
Sleigh'd to rest, England
Interesting enough wheat ale. Nottingham starting to divest in to other beer styles. Not sure I like the concept of this one though.