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Regular Beer 4.9%, DuClaw Brewing Company, United States
4 arviota
Regular Beer
4.9% Golden Ale / Blond Ale


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
7 months ago
Regular Beer, United States
Having this Duclaw beer with pizza. Strange to call it simply Regular Beer. Anyway, it's a solid hazy yellow, has a bit of a tart aroma. Snow white head but now it's gone. Solid texture but still stays crisp. It's a light lager, notes of ripe lemon and clover honey. Finally, in the finish, I get a small amount of tartness that was in the aroma. Is this a great beer, no. Not sure it was made to be. It is tasty and very drinkable and goes well with my pizza. I will gladly I have another of this very enjoyable brew.

Post author: Toni Trash
Toni Trash
2 years ago
Regular Beer, United States
Comme une Lager américaine du Maryland. Si tu aimes la bière, tu aimeras celle-ci. Pas de chichi, pas de blabla, ça sent la bière un point c'est tout. Et c'est très bien comme ça.

Post author: Pierre32
@ La houblonnière
2 years ago
Regular Beer, United States
🇺🇲 pas de chichi, elle me plaît!

Post author: Greg Y @skollsbeer
Greg Y @skollsbeer
@ La houblonnière
3 years ago
Regular Beer, United States
🇺🇸 Un packaging simple et efficace pour une bière simple et efficace.