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Winter Seasonal Emmer Stout 5.0%, Hope Beer, Ireland
3 ratings
Winter Seasonal Emmer Stout
5.0% Stout


Post author: martinreed
@ Wittich Weine und Biere AG
25 days ago
Winter Seasonal Emmer Stout, Ireland

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
1 year ago
Winter Seasonal Emmer Stout, Ireland
A very nice foamy pour leaving a nice black body with a decent, mocha coloured foamy head. The scent is much like advertised some sweet chocolate malts at the start and lot of roast coffee on the aftertaste. To be honest, the coffee might be a little over roasted as it is a little too bitter to the point of being acidic. Mouthfeel is pleasent, slightly foamy and a little oily with mild carbonation. The taste is light sweetness and the intense bitterness plays well against it. Not much in terms of alcohol taste at only 5% but a very flavoursome beer.

Post author: Mitchouille
@ Apothibières Sion
2 years ago
Belle amertume, des notes de café fort, voir de chocolat noir, beaucoup de caractère !