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Dr. Jekyll 8.1%, Beavertown Brewery, England
5 ratings
Dr. Jekyll
8.1% Belgian Strong Ale


Post author: pessi
6 years ago
Dr. Jekyll, England

Post author: Nathan R
Nathan R
8 years ago

Post author: Sam S
Sam S
8 years ago
Dr. Jekyll, England
Pours bright, cloudy orange with a small white foam. Carbonation much visible in the beer too. You can smell the sourness from the aroma with citrus and gooseberries sticking out. Also some malts and woody notes from the barrel. The mouthfeel is silky soft, with not that much carbonation as I expected it to have. Beginning with sour gooseberries and citrus present. Also some sweetness of the malts and some white wine. Finishing up with woody oak notes and a little spicy notes (muscat?). Bouncing around sweetness and sourness, greatly in balance and leaves you with a little sticky and a bit sour aftertaste lasting long in your mouth. Not that light and fresh, as being medium/full bodied, but nicely in balance and a truly great beer. Also fits very well as an summer eve drink. 4/5