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Neskveik 0.5%, Mash Gang, England
2 Bewertungen
0.5% White Stout
Heavily fruited strawberry and vanilla low alcohol white stout. A luxurious dessert beer. Strawberry and Vanilla is a god tier pairing. Hibiscus makes the strawberry taste more like strawberry. What is a white stout? Dunno really, just thought it sounded good. We make up half of it as we go along. I think everybody probably is.


Post author: WexiLahti
@ OnderNulPuntVijf ONP5
1 year ago
Neskveik, England
This beer looks like a kiddie thing. Well, the ABV is 0.5 %, so in a way it is. What is really interesting is the style: White Stout. This is my fourth White Stout ever, hence, a rare piece. And my first non-alc White Stout. The beer wears an impenetrable, watermelon-juice-colored dress. Some particles sink to the bottom, not sure what they are. Anyway, looks like summer is just behind the corner. Carbonation is reasonable. A half-a-finger fluffy head forms on the surface, then dissipates down to a gossamer haze. There's only one word to describe the olfactory supply: marshmallow. That sticky sappy stuff that contains only E codes. I'm trying to split the experience into pieces... Alright, there's vanilla. Artificial. Yes, strawberry is also there. Partly artificial but not entirely so. For some reason, I'm also picking distant redcurrant. Don't know why. Definitely unbeery! The taste then? Not sweet at all. Light-sour, I would say. The unbeery nature starts to vanish, I'm picking now even elements of beer here. Gooood! Strawberry is on the tongue. Not powerful but it's there. Watermelon can also be spotted. A pinch maybe. Vanilla is completely hidden. Wheat malt instead pops up occasionally. I can't find anything that associates with Stouts. The body is light. The finish offers medium-sour strawberry mash and some redcurrant. Wheat hasn't gone anywhere either. The aftertaste's got more rabbit than Sainsburys. The mouthfeel is light, a bit tart, dry and drying. It's relatively innovative although not Stout-like. More like a Fruit Beer. Yes, fruity it is. Interestingly, the label mentions both "strawberry puree" and "artificial strawberry flavor". Are they both there? Confusing. Anyway, this was nothing that I expected. I don't find any style characteristics here either. Unique but one is enough.

Post author: Blair K
Blair K
@ Blair's Hoose
2 years ago
Neskveik, England
Really bizarre. Doesn’t smell nice, initial taste is not for me but does have that artificial milkshake aftertaste.