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KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa 12.0%, Founders Brewing Company, United States
33 notes
KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa
12.0% Imperial Stout
Here’s one for the cocoa lovers: KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa – the sumptuous, deep coffee and chocolate flavors of KBS rise to the next level with a swirl of cinnamon and a hint of vanilla to create a sweet-but-not-too-sweet barrel-aged drinking experience. It’s a whole new spin on KBS that’s sure to sweeten your spirits.
IBU : 45
Vieillie en fût


Post author: Conoseur
2 months ago
KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa, United States
Vaniljaa jaa kaakaota, kyllä, mutta kaneli esiintyy lähinnä kuivan suutuntuman muodossa, näiden lisäksi kahvia ja laktoosia, varmaan ihan hieno, mutta eilen tuli juotua sellaisia kuninkaallisia että tämä tuntuu hiukan keskinkertaiselta

Post author: Jorkke
3 months ago
KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa, United States
Ihan jees

Post author: Kevin
5 months ago

Post author: Risukka
@ Beer Republic Web Shop
5 months ago
KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa, United States
🎊1500🎊 Maaliskuussa -21 löytäny tiensä pulloon. Tiivis, pienikuplane ja mukavan runsas vaahto lähes pikimustan ja käytetyn moottoriöljyn viskositeetin omaavan oluen yllä. Mokkane kaakao, vanilja ja semmone cold brew kahvi maun kärjessä, hennonpehmeä kaneli löytyy jälkimaun puolelta. On kyllä hyvä!

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Beer Republic Web Shop
5 months ago
KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa, United States
Advent Calendar 2023, Day 21. Seems to be a 2021 vintage. Matt, jet black beer with lazy carbonation gives birth to a silky toffee head that grows one finger tall. The short retention pulls the foamy crown down to a pretty lace ring. Cinnamon is the number one olfactory component. It's suspiciously intensive and even sweet-leaning. The following variables are vanilla, cacao nibs and dark chocolate. The adjuncts do their best to hide the dark malty skeleton that looms somewhere in the background. The flavor side is strong and adjuncted, why not also spiced. The cinnamon is sharp, which is welcome because real cinnamon that had been detached from the bark of the cinnamon tree is actually sharp. Vanilla is also relatively copious. Lactose accompanies. Cacao nibs bring a dark chocolatey injection to the cocktail. The other elements are young Bourbon, dark cookie, a pinch of crushed coffee beans, oak barrel notes and a distant alcoholic smash. The body is medium-full. Should absolutely be bigger at 12 %. The finish serves thinner cinnamon and cacao nibs, basically the entire package shrinks considerably. The end comes soon. Kentucky, you are the dearest land outside of Heaven to me; Kentucky, I miss your laurels and aftertastes and your redbud trees. The mouthfeel is medium-full, intense, deep, marginally sharp, distantly tangy, spiced and heavily adjuncted. The barrel aging is fairly tame. Okay but doesn't impress me now. Falls short of complexity. Wouldn't be my choice for a fireside delicacy.

Post author: Metallucas
@ Saveur Bière
1 year ago
KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa, United States
Imperial stout avec cafe, vanille, cannelle et fèves de cacao. Agee en fûts de bourbon. Gourmande et douce avec une note alcoolisée.

Post author: Maeeth
@ Saveur Bière
1 year ago
KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa, United States
Released 09/03/2021 Robe : noire opaque avec une éphémère mousse couleur crème. Au nez : arômes torréfiés de chocolat au lait et de bourbon bien prononcés, arômes de vanille et de cannelle plus discrètes. En bouche : la bière est onctueuse et ronde en bouche. Elle dévoile une attaque bien sucrée sur des notes de chocolat au lait accompagnées de notes épicées de canelle ainsi que des notes de glace à la vanille. Viennent ensuite des notes de café plus amères pour contrebalancer le côté sucré accompagnées de belles notes de bourbon qui présentent une belle longueur en bouche. L'alcool vient apporter une belle puissance et gourmandise à cette bière. Bilan : encore une belle réussite de la part de founders, un vrai dessert qui met l'accent sur la cannelle et la vanille.

Post author: Mperry
@ Williquors
1 year ago
KBS Cinnamon Vanilla Cocoa, United States

Post author: Bencheppa
1 year ago

Post author: Pinson R
Pinson R
1 year ago