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Pecan Porter 12.7%, 903 Brewers, United States
1 notes
Pecan Porter
12.7% Imperial Porter


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
2 years ago
Pecan Porter, United States
Having a beer tonight that I brought back from Texas. Should be interesting with 12.7% in a porter. Poured with a deep Brown from the can. Small head that has totally disappeared. Aroma immediately gives maple followed by a sweet candy sugar. Medium thick texture, puts a light oily coating in the mouth. First I get maple combined with a roasted coffee malt. It's quickly followed by a boozy liqueur chocolate. While these flavors are dominant, the subtle flavor of pecans sits quietly in the background. Once in the finish, the alcohol reveals it's oak barrel qualities as it influences a singular dark chocolate which refuses to disappear. There has been times that 903 disappointed me. Not this time. None of the flavors seemed artificial, although they probably were. It was strong, each flavor had a turn to present itself, and the oak barrel trait in the alcohol, revealing itself only in the finish, was nice.