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Smells Like Bean Spirit Double Maple 8.0%, Mikerphone Brewing, United States
1 notes
Smells Like Bean Spirit Double Maple
8.0% Coffee Stout
Breakfast stout ale with Maple Syrup & Tugboat Coffee.


Post author: Grey
@ Ø
3 years ago
Smells Like Bean Spirit Double Maple, United States
BEER: Smells Like Bean Spirit - Double Maple BREWERY: Mikerphone Brewing BEER STYLE: Coffee Stout COUNTRY: USA ABV.: 8.0% COLOUR (EBC): Dark Coffee Black (90.0) BITTERS (EBU/IBU): AROMA: My god! If I could swim in this aroma, I would! Deep dark maple syrupy, sweet and sticky HEAD: Thick and dark. GREY’S VIEW Breakfast Stout w/ Maple Syrup & Tugboat Coffee. First sip is. What it is. Little on the light side and then I remember that it’s a Coffee Stout. Yeap. Maple syrup is prominently displayed on this one! Sweet, agile, brown sugared and molassy all the way. Yammy and sticky stuff! Coffee beans are there, on the background; somewhat roasty and milky. Body is somewhat thick-ish, plenty for this ABV. sized piece. Fluffy and café latte kind of. OTHER NOTES: What to say. It’s enjoyable Maple Syrupy Coffee Stout. Actually it’s a gorgeous semi little syrup stout! I definitely recommend it! CANNED ??/?? TASTED 1/7/2021