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NalliKaribu 10.6%, Sonnisaari Panimo, Finland
86 ratings
10.6% Barley Wine
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Voimakkaasti humaloitu, sitruksisen hedelmÀinen ja karamellinen barley wine. Hops: Mosaic BBC, Mosaic Cryo, Citra BBC, Citra Cryo, Galaxy


Post author: Tommi L
Tommi L
1 year ago
Alkoihan se maistuun barley winelle vihdoin 😁

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
@ Sonnisaari PanimomyymÀlÀ
2 years ago
NalliKaribu, Finland
Blast from the past! This time in a form of TIPA/Barley Wine. I've had this two times before back in 2021, and I came to a conclusion that this is a TIPA. This was labeled as a Barley Wine, but the brewers though that an old school TIPA would suit well too. 0,33l bottle from beer tulip. Bottled probably in the end of 2020 and best before was 11/2022. The beer pours almost clear, pale orange with brown tint. Very thin off-white foam. Scent has a lot of caramel and oily hoppyness. Notes of apricot and grapefruit. Low carbonation. Mouthfeel is very thick and oily. Flavors are still more like in a TIPA than a Barley Wine. Sweet malty caramel, brown sugar and dry hay. Bitter and sweet overripe grapefruit, dried apricots, tender grass and oily hoppyness. Pleasantly mellow and rounded, no harsh edges. A bit stuffy here and there, but overall this is still surprisingly fresh tasting beer. Stays on the sweet side. Unpleasant soapy note emerges as the beer warms up. Ends with big and bold grapefruit bitterness with notes of pine and apricot. This was my last bottle of Nallikaribu and I stand by my initial review, this is a TIPA. And an enjoyable one too.

Post author: Hessu  V
Hessu V
2 years ago

Post author: Thyy
@ Alko Verkkokauppa
2 years ago
NalliKaribu, Finland
Olut on tyypillisen barley winen vÀrinen, samean ruskeahko myös sakkainen ja vaahdoton. Tuoksu on maltainen, kypsÀn hedelmÀinen, mausteinen. Alkoholi hieman tuoksahtaa lÀpi Maku on kypsÀn hedelmÀinen, maltainen, vehnÀinen. Oikein mukavan pehmeÀ barley wine, jossa alkoholi ei maistu lÀpi. Hieman makean puoleinen ja hedelmÀinen olut. Makumaailmasta tÀmÀ kyllÀ menisi jostain tripla ipasta enemmÀnkin kuin barley winestÀ! Lopputulema on kuitenkin oikein mukava Barley Wine, parempiakin on maistettu ja pari huomattavasti surkeampaa!

Post author: nietsrd
@ Alko Oulu Keskusta Pekuri
3 years ago
NalliKaribu, Finland

Post author: VeliWestside
@ Sonnisaari PanimomyymÀlÀ
3 years ago
NalliKaribu, Finland
As a surprise beer from last spring. Thought it to give this a bit time to settle since everyone said it to be a TIPA. As you can see from the dirty, brownish color this is no BW. On the nose this resembles me of Sierra Nevada's Hoptimum. The difference is that this is not as good as Hoptimum. Loads of sediment in the bottom. Lots of old skool vibes here which is good. Piney, malty, hoppy and resinous. Citrus and orange marmalade in the mix. What then bothers me is the bitter and a bit nasty end slide here. Finishes strong and quite heavy.

Post author: yliarska
@ Sonnisaari PanimomyymÀlÀ
3 years ago
NalliKaribu, Finland
Vahva, toffeen ruskean ja aavistuksen oranssisen sÀvyÀ. Maussa vahvaa humalointia aistittavissa, tehostettua toffeeta, ei nyt ihan BW tuntuma vaan lÀhempÀnÀ Imperial IPAa melkeinpÀ. Ihan ok, mutta jÀi vÀhÀn omista odotuksista kuitenkin nyt.

Post author: Taavi H
Taavi H
@ Kabacka
3 years ago
Barley wine ei mun suosikki yleensÀ ole, mutta tÀmÀ toimii yllÀttÀvÀn hyvin

Post author: Mikko H
Mikko H
@ Sonnisaari PanimomyymÀlÀ
3 years ago
NalliKaribu, Finland
Sonnisaaren barley wine testissÀ eilen, jÀi arvio lÀhettÀmÀttÀ. Tuoksussa reilusti karamellimaltaisuutta, kypsÀÀ greippiÀ ja havua, aika west coast tuoksut. Maussa karamellimaltaisuutta, kuivahedelmÀisyyttÀ, kypsÀÀ greippisyyttÀ ja jÀlkimakua kohti myös havuisuutta. Suutuntuma on mukavan pehmeÀ ja jÀlkimakua kohti kuivattavaa greippishavuista katkeroa löytyy reilusti. Miinusta tulee rankasta (hiiva?)sakasta joka lasiin plumpsahti kaataessa. VÀhÀn semmoinen west coast tipa tyyppinen meininki tÀssÀ, ei niin kovin kuivahedelmÀinen/marmeladinen kuin monet barley winet. Makea ja raskas nautittava.

Post author: Olli R
Olli R
3 years ago
NalliKaribu, Finland