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vanilla gorilla 5.0%, Gorilla Brewing Co. (Mad Ape Beer), England
4 ratings
vanilla gorilla
5.0% Imperial Flavoured Porter / Imperial Pastry Porter
A rich Porter with chocolate and vanilla flavours. The chocolate you can smell, the vanilla, if you give it chance dances on your taste buds! A bit of a sparkle to it.


Post author: Simon P
Simon P
@ The Bridge Tavern - Newcastle
1 year ago
vanilla gorilla, England

Post author: Purple Aardvark
Purple Aardvark
@ Gorilla Brewing Co
2 years ago
Really nice smooth porter, I bought a mini keg for a BBQ and it went down a treat

Post author: Dean H
Dean H
3 years ago
Great beer , just what it says nice Vanilla after taste on the pallet nice chocolate undertone just a really nice Porter and lucky enough to live so close to the brewery I can get it on draught and even better!😃

Post author: Mickl B
Mickl B
4 years ago
vanilla gorilla, England
One of three siblings in a gift set. This is the second of three, number one was nice, number two is nice. Looking forward to the third installment!