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Maiden 2018 11.0%, Siren Craft Brew, England
3 ratings
Maiden 2018
11.0% Barley Wine


Post author: Jari J
Jari J
3 years ago
Maiden 2018, England
From the Christmas calendar. Happy new year everybody! For me, Barleywines are the best beers for celebrating something as they are unique, complex, slow sipping beers. I'm expecting a lot from this one. Bottled on 20.2.2019 Temperature: +11 C Deep amber colored brew with a long-lasting off-white head. The texture looks like there's lots of residual sugar, suggesting maybe a thick, full-bodied mouthfeel: 4,25/5 The nose starts with a dried fruit and Bourbon aroma. Then some caramel and warming alcohol, red wine, oak, Sherry, and herbal notes. Very nice complexity! This has aged really well❤️4,5/5 Mouthfeel is indeed full, a bit surypy even. Alcohol warmth, low carbonation, and medium bitterness with some oakiness: 4,5/5 The taste is much maltier than the scent. Behind that maltiness is a fruit, oak, mild Bourbon, grassy/herbal, and even some minor nutty flavors. Unfortunately, the intensity doesn't match the one that the aroma has. Still, this is a very nice BW: 11,75/15 Quality (American) Barleywine. A good amount of different stuff going on, and well-aged beer. I could imagine this getting even better with some more age. The taste could have some more to offer though. And if it would, this would be one hell of a beer. Seems like a chose good beer to begin the celebration of the New year! 17/20 =42/50

Post author: Derity
4 years ago

Post author: Lüpüs
5 years ago
Barley wine, blend de bière fraîche, et âgée en fût de vin et de spiritueux. Nez caramel, vineux, avec une touche de noix. En bouche c'est épais, bien rond. Des arômes de vins, noix, de caramel et d'alcool se succèdent. Un peu d'amertume et l'alcool qui réchauffe à la fin. Très bon, équilibré, pas trop lourd malgré le degré élevé.