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Portside 5.2%, The Emsworth Brewhouse, England
2 ratings
5.2% Smoked / Rauchbier
Unfined and vegan friendly. Finest English malted barley and specially selected uK hops.


Post author: James Š
James Š
@ Southwick Brewhouse
1 year ago
Portside, England
It’s been an age since I drank this beer and I honestly thought the brewery had closed after seeing it up for sale. A nice surprise to see their beers still around… Smokey with a coffee-like bitterness and fruity finish. Bacon. Full bodied and Esther rich, velvety smooth. Less carbonated than less time, and for the better!

Post author: James Š
James Š
@ Southwick Brewhouse
5 years ago
Portside, England
Not as smokey as other rauchbiers, but highly carbonated. Still heavy on the malt both in smoked and roast formats. Nice hoppiness in the finish. Probably the most liveliest beer I’ve had to be fair. Exploded on opening, poured like Niagra Falls, with the head disappearing quickly and with volatility. 20 minutes in and I can still hear it bubbling away over on the table.