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Kultaranta 5.2%, Mallassepät, Finland
456 ratings
5.2% Pale Lager
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Kultaranta on suomalaisesta viljasta ja laadukkaista jalohumalista käsityönä valmistettu, alhaisessa lämmössä maltilla käytetty ja kypsytetty vaalea lager-olut. Tämä maltainen ja raikas olut sopii niin Kultarannan juhlapöytään kuin työpäivän jälkeiseksi janonsammuttajaksi.
IBU: 33
Hops: Saaz


Post author: Rufuel
@ Smör
3 days ago
Kultaranta, Finland
Erinomainen lager. Meni kärkipaikalle. Onko sitten humala vai mikä, mutta maku on miellyttävä.

Post author: Popkorn
5 days ago
Kultaranta, Finland
Oikein raikas lager kalastuksen yhteydessä.

Post author: Ossi K eli OK
Ossi K eli OK
@ Lobby Bar, Naantalin Kylpylä
24 days ago
Kultaranta, Finland
Oikein hyvä ja raikas, ja suoraan Naantalissa 😎

Post author: Husse
@ K-Citymarket Hämeenlinna Hämeensaari
1 month ago
Mallasseppien Kultaranta lager. Kukaan ei kuulemma ole seppä syntyessään saati presidentti kesäasunnossaan, mutta kyllä tätä nauttii oli sitten seppä tai pressa.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ K-Citymarket Pirkkala
1 month ago
Kultaranta, Finland
A long weekend ahead. A beer to toast for that! Brilliant translucent gold is the appearance. Looks very style-compatible. The carbonation is marginally overdeveloped and starts pushing foam out of the can too early. Fortunately, it doesn't develop further and I manage to open the can properly and pour the content into a glass. The emerging head measures two fingers or less and descends quickly to a thin lace ring. The nose enjoys a beautiful malty scent, not particularly powerful though but neatly grainy and slightly bready. The hoppy segment is narrow and barely identifiable. Moreover, I can pick an element of unidentified stone fruit and a distant floral note. The gustatory profile is clean and easy: grainy malt, sufficient intensity, no bread on the tongue but a reasonable twist of oat cracker can be spotted. Additionally, I fail to pick anything floral here but I get, instead, an earthy vibe. Not farmhousey though. The body is light. Or light plus but not light-medium anyway. The end is straightforward, no floral, nor earthy dimensions. Pure grainy malt and a supportive hoppy tweak. Nice. Vamos a la Playa de Oro; la lata estalló; la espuma tuesta; y matiza de azul; vamos a la Playa de Oro, oh, oh, oh! The mouthfeel is light, clean, balanced, refreshing, easy and gulpable. Gives a summery impression. Faintly lip-glueing, as well. A drying feeling increases in the end. A solid package but nothing sensational.

Post author: Anpo
1 month ago

Post author: Kaljavarvas 68
Kaljavarvas 68
2 months ago
Kultaranta, Finland

Post author: KallioUG
@ K-Citymarket Ideapark Seinäjoki
2 months ago
Kultaranta, Finland
Ruokajuomana kebabkiusauksen kanssa. Tosi raikas ja helppo.

Post author: V1lle
@ K-Citymarket Mikkeli
2 months ago
Kultaranta, Finland
Mausta jää mieleen ekana : kova. Hieman mallas maistuu. Saunakalja

Post author: jari
@ K-Citymarket Oulu Kaakkuri
2 months ago