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Said & Done 10.4%, Brouwerij de Molen, Netherlands
7 notes
Said & Done
10.4% Imperial Stout


Post author: Wotanik
@ Beerdome
1 month ago

Post author: Bertrand C
Bertrand C
3 years ago
Said & Done, Netherlands
Franchement quand De Molen décide de se mettre au boulot, ça ne rigole pas ! Voilà un magnifique Imperial Stout sublimé par une maturation en fût de Bowmore. Le whisky ne prend jamais le dessus et se mêle parfaitement à l’ensemble. Rien qu’au nez on sait qu’on va passer un grand moment et le fait est que cette bière est franchement exceptionnelle ! Une explosion d’essences et de saveurs avec une amertume tardive mais certaine. Une de celles dont je me souviendrai longtemps !

Post author: Dfresh
5 years ago
Alors comment dire.... Un mélange entre une Stout et un mon chéri... Pas déguster dans de bonnes conditions mais bon

Post author: Jari J
Jari J
5 years ago
Said & Done, Netherlands
Bottle. Bottled on 23.7.2018 Temperature:? Almost black. Small tan head, but it lasts long: 3,5/5 The aroma of salted caramel, nutty, oaky, sour... Interesting but not exceptional: 3,75/5 Mouthfeel is medium, tart, medium-low carbonation: 3,5/5 Taste is smokey, salty, zesty-like sour. Weird flavors, unbalanced: 10/15 What is this trying to be? Not a boring beer for sure but do I really like it, no: 13,25/20 =34/50

Post author: God-Emperor's Wraith Form
God-Emperor's Wraith Form
@ Tanie alkohole s.c.
5 years ago
Said & Done, Netherlands
Yet another beer I smuggled from Poland. The beer store was called Cheap beer or something and was recommended by a local beersonality. Sharing a bottle with two friends. Bowmore Barrel aged Nutty Caramel Salt Sour Stout. Scent is superb! Caramel, salt, smokiness, sourness. Mouthfeel is decently thick. Flavour is smoky, sour, salted and very smoky. Some caramel here and there but smoke dominates. Dry. Alcohol doesn't come through. I'm liking it! It's very pervy in the flavour. I don't know if I could do the whole bottle but it's nicely different.

Post author: Etalon_du_Cul
5 years ago

Post author: Damien G
Damien G
5 years ago