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Game of Thrones: King In The North 11.0%, Brewery Ommegang (Duvel-Moortgat), United States
5 notes
Game of Thrones: King In The North
11.0% Imperial Stout


Post author: Carlito Aloloko
Carlito Aloloko
4 years ago

Post author: Edgeworth
5 years ago
Game of Thrones: King In The North, United States
Having while getting ready for the conclusion of Game of Thones. Very high, deep tan head. Thick. Barrel alcohol aroma. Dark brown opaque color. First taste is the whiskey barrel but only briefly. Then the chocolate flavor stout kicks in. Nice follow up that surprised me. Nice.

Post author: David M
David M
5 years ago

Post author: Mike D
Mike D
5 years ago
Game of Thrones: King In The North, United States
Deep and Rich with a bourbon note that stands out more so than most barrel aged beers.

Post author: Sirdubby
6 years ago
Chocolate, bourbon, oak and a roastiness. Taste has rich dark chocolate, bourbon and oak. Tasty stout and a great example of bourbon barrel aging; you're not just getting the bourbon, but also the oak from the 6 months spent in the barrel. Nothing ground breaking, but very well done. 4.25/5