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Single Barrel 3-Year Lambic (2018) 5.0%, Brasserie Cantillon, Belgium
1 notes
Single Barrel 3-Year Lambic (2018)
5.0% Lambic - Unblended / Traditional


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Moeder Lambic Fontainas
6 years ago
Single Barrel 3-Year Lambic (2018), Belgium
Semihazy, pale amber beer with timid carbonation flows from tap. This is a "cask version". A moderate, tightly packed, cotton white head emerges on the surface. The head descends sluggishly downwards and decorates the top for significantly long. No marks are left on the glass. The nose receives surprisingly little anything. A faint nuance of dry white wine emanates to the nostrils. Very remote sour grapes and a little bit of Belgian wild yeast are also detectable. The taste is quite tart and puckering but also rather flat. Sour white wine merges with extraordinarily sour, fermented apples and a wee bit of grapes. One can also identify coarse grated lemon peel. The body is relatively light. The aftertaste puts forward very sour apples and grapes with a vinous twist. Wild yeast lingers slowly on both sides of the tongue. The aftertaste's duration is brief. The mouthfeel is quite light, a bit thin, relatively tart and medium-puckering. It's also rather dry vinous, considerably flat and significantly Belgiany. Somewhat straighforward, though.