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Cooper Project 1 (2018) 8.7%, Goose Island Beer Company (AB-InBev), United States
7 notes
Cooper Project 1 (2018)
8.7% Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy


Post author: Mr X
Mr X
4 years ago
Cooper Project 1 (2018), United States
Was drinking some stouts/porters earlier so I wanted to lighten up. Maybe this wasn’t quite “lightening” up. Has a light to medium bourbon taste with some toffee malt that seems to get stronger the further you get into it. Add some light oak & hints of vanilla. Overall it’s a nice bourbon barrel scotch ale that started as a 3.6 but end ended as a 3.9

Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago

Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago
Huge caramel in the aroma. No bourbon. Taste has caramel first, followed by some breadiness and oak from the barrel aging. Last to show up is a faint bit of bourbon. So far, I enjoy this, especially the barrel character. Medium+ body with a medium-ish amount of carbonation. Never got to try this fresh, so I have nothing to compare it to. As it is, I think this is a tasty bourbon barrel aged scotch ale. The bourbon is becoming more and more prominent as it continues to warm, which is a good thing. I have 2 bottles left in the cellar that I'll try at some point in the future. Hopefully one of them is alongside a fresh bottle. 4/5

Post author: Sirdubby
6 years ago
A very good bourbon barrel aged scotch ale. 4/5

Post author: David M
David M
6 years ago

Post author: Jamie K
Jamie K
@ Goose Island Brewhouse
6 years ago
Cooper Project 1 (2018), United States
I can appreciate the flavours, and understand how someone would like this, but it’s not for me. A Scotch Ale, which I’ve never heard of, aged in bourbon barrels for 4 months. James, one for you

Post author: Sirdubby
@ Goose Island Beer Company
6 years ago
Tasty barrel aged scotch ale. Well done. 3.75/5