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White Flame Brewing Co
2 notes
White Flame Brewing Co
Hudsonville, United States

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Post author: Sirdubby
3 years ago
Backlog from March 26th at White Flame Brewing Company 4/5

Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago
I guess this is essentially supposed to be a cookie inspired brown ale. Aroma has faint chocolate flavored cookie aroma. Some sweetness is apparent as well. Taste has much of the same. Chocolate flavored cookies (like the ones you'd find on the snack aisle in the store) along with a kind of creme-like sweetness. Malty sweetness, breadiness and some caramel show up next. This is good, but not great. Body is medium-thin and carbonation is on the lower side, which works well for this one. The flavors are fairly light, but what's there is tasty. More flavor and a fuller body would help. 3.5/5