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Keweenaw Brewing Company
17 notes
Keweenaw Brewing Company
Houghton, United States

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Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Oranges in the aroma. Taste has a solid blonde ale base with just enough blood oranges to make it memorable. I'll have to keep this in mind for next summer if it's still available. 3.75/5

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Cherries in the aroma. Taste has cherries (not very sour like I expected from reading the label) and wheat. Very refreshing and quite crisp. Too bad the hot days are on the way out, because this would be amazing on a hot day. 3.75/5

Post author: Bobberle
5 years ago
Upper Peninsula Michigan, eher unterdurchschnittlich

Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago
Aroma of a typical amber ale with some coffee in the mix. Taste has caramel and sweet malts and a subtle amount of coffee to give it a unique flavor. Definitely one I'll revisit in the future. 3.75/5

Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago
A solid IPA. Some malty sweetness and a moderate amount of bitterness from the hops. Light fruitiness as well. I'd drink this again if offered. 3.5/5