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Foundation Brewing Company
62 Bewertungen
Foundation Brewing Company
Portland, United States

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Post author: Captain Stabbin
Captain Stabbin
10 months ago
Gouteuse et agréable avec un bon burger

Post author: Matthieu C
Matthieu C
11 months ago
Encore au même endroit, une pinte de dipa dune autre brasserie du même type. Très cool d'avoir accès à de la bière brassée sur place. Je la trouve très maltée pour une Dipa, mais en même temps relativement bien houblonnée. Encore une fois très bonne.

Post author: Gybbis
@ Oluthuone Leskinen
2 years ago
No nyt hei.. no nyt oli aika hyvä

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Cinnamon and coffee in the aroma. Taste has lactose front and center. Following this, I'm getting a little bit of coffee and subtle cinnamon. Very smooth mouthfeel, medium body and a medium-low amount of carbonation. I was hoping for more coffee and stronger flavors overall, but as it is, this is definitely a solid milk stout. The smoothness is what I love the most about it. High 3.75/5

Post author: Sirdubby
4 years ago
Coffee is the most noticeable in the aroma. Taste has coffee, breadiness, roasted malts and caramel notes. The coffee and caramel linger for a little while in the aftertaste. The body is medium-ish and the carbonation is medium. Definitely a solid brown ale. A little bit more body would be beneficial, but it works as it is. 3.75/5