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Walnut River Brewing Company
5 arviota
Walnut River Brewing Company
El Dorado, United States

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Post author: Henrique.Mendes
7 months ago
Very good beer, malt taste, dry in the end!

Post author: Webrat
@ Old Chicago
6 years ago
The coffee runs strong in this one. Aroma of coffee with a hint of chocolate. Initial taste is rich with coffee that ends with a slight sweetness tinged with cocoa and a little bitter. As it warms up it actually improves as the sweet and bitter meld together. This one will require further analysis.

Post author: Webrat
@ Old Chicago
7 years ago
This Kansas craft brew is always a pleasure to revisit. A wonderful malt taste with hints of caramel and toffee end with a dry finish that makes this very easy to drink again and again. One of my favorites.

Post author: Webrat
@ Old Chicago
7 years ago
Smooth and delicious! No wonder those who walk the dark side are so tempted.