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John Smith's Brewery (Heineken)
4774 Bewertungen
John Smith's Brewery (Heineken)
Tadcaster, England

At John Smith's we believe in a good honest pint for good honest blokes. We champion everyday, ordinary folks that are actually anything but. We've been supporting the community values in our Tadcaster birthplace since 1758; ever since John Smith took on the brewery in 1852, we've been brewing a consistently high quality ale that's only ordinary by name. On March 18th 1824 something remarkable happened and the world would never be the same again: John Smith was born. At 21, John tried his first pint and was inspired. Having bought his own brewery in Tadcaster, John set to experimenting until he finally arrived at his greatest and most enduring achievement: John Smith's beer. He put his name on the family gate and history was made.

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Post author: 1972GAZMOD
@ Jack " Jigger" Taylor
11 days ago
Boy, what a drink. Reminds me of being 18ish. If you know beers, you know what to expect. Never fails to deliver. An absolute bostin pint and a without a doubt a great session ale One of the best drinks ever and blank all time favourite ale. Always has to be done

Post author: robbi_386
@ The Irish Rover
14 days ago
Schmeckt nach Fladen-schiss am nächsten Tag. Und nach England. Kann man aber wohl machen

Post author: XileftheChief
@ The Irish Rover
14 days ago
Wenig Kohlensäure, wenig Hopfen, sehr süffig und leicht getreidig. Ohne Schaum bis zum Rand gefüllt. True British classic!