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Folklore Brewing & Meadery
9 notes
Folklore Brewing & Meadery
Dothan, United States

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Post author: Edgeworth
4 years ago
Practicing outdoor social distancing. Enjoyed smoked turkey basted in Shiner Bock beer along with a new amber brew. Tall very thick, orange, foamy head. Plenty of carbonation. Beautiful orange color. Very tasty amber beer without any frills or side flavors. A traditional style American Amber ale. Very good for what they were trying to do.

Post author: Edgeworth
4 years ago
Pours with very little head, deep yellow and very hazy color. Has a mild Citrus aroma. Citrus flavor is bitter and a mixture of grapefruit and tangerine. Has a prominent bitter finish that last a long time. Very light and refreshing.

Post author: Edgeworth
4 years ago
This Porter as a medium high, very deep tan head. Thick and lasting. Aroma smells of chocolate even though it's not labeled on the can. Texture is very creamy and smooth. Little carbonation. Very sweet and, again, I taste chocolate with only the smallest amount of coconut in the background. Has a sweet and distinct but not overpowering alcohol finish. I enjoyed this very much as a late-night dessert beer. Recommended it.

Post author: Edgeworth
5 years ago
Aroma is slightly sour. Full foamy head, doesn't last, dissipates quickly. Color is light yellow and slightly hazy. Has a very light mouthfeel, thin, slightly sour and slightly bitter. Not strong on flavor. Finish is very fast and gone. It's just okay with me. Probably better served very cold on a hot day.

Post author: Edgeworth
5 years ago
A very thick head. Color is totally opaque. Coffee aroma. Strong bitter chocolate flavor. Texture is light and crisp. Finishes fast with a quick bitter chocolate hit then gone. Very interesting and surprisingly complex Porter. Porters are becoming my favorite, under recognized type of beer.