102 notes
One Mile End
Owner Simon McCabe honed his skills at Redemption; the confidence gained there is paying off at One Mile End. One Mile End offer a pale ale, a porter, an IPA and a saison, amongst other treats. The brewery is now based in Tottenham but retains a brewing space under The White Hart in Whitechapel.
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Andy T
@ LowCostBeer.com2 years ago
Strong farmhouse style beer with a hint of banana

Dartford Dave
@ LowCostBeer.com2 years ago
Hints of cherry in the flavour but not really my type of drink.

Dartford Dave
@ LowCostBeer.com2 years ago
Not a good example of an IPA in my opinion. Pours a pale golden colour with a thin white head No actual aroma, quite watery and tasteless. Poo.