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Vibrant Forest Brewery
1553 arviota
Vibrant Forest Brewery
Southampton, England

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Post author: Lajos P
Lajos P
@ Billy Franks Jerky and Craft Beer & Snack Shack
13 days ago

Post author: Whaddya drink of that!?
Whaddya drink of that!?
1 month ago

Post author: Cufty S
Cufty S
@ Vibrant Forest Brewery
1 month ago
A Citra Pale Ale. Hazy and cloudy, with a very Citrusy taste.

Post author: Cufty S
Cufty S
@ Vibrant Forest Brewery
2 months ago
A decent enough, session IPA. Citrusy and tropical fruity taste.

Post author: Whaddya drink of that!?
Whaddya drink of that!?
2 months ago
A rather thick and velvety stout I've had a pretty horrendous sinus infection/flu for weeks now but I can smell the coffee, and chocolate with a warm boozy finish... Taste wise it its got a lovely chocolate base with as I say booziness coming through. Slightly bitter finish to it

Post author: Cufty S
Cufty S
@ Vibrant Forest Brewery
2 months ago
A nice Crisp IPA, fermented like a lager, with a West Coast IPA hop character. Local Brewery to my work place.

Post author: James Š
James Š
@ Tap & Tandoor
2 months ago
Nice fruity saison. Great accompaniment to spicy Indian food. Fruity, smooth and easy drinking with delicate hints of Belgium.

Post author: Jimbo
@ Vibrant Forest Brewery
2 months ago
The head is impressive with a rich treacle colour. The pour was thick engine oil but the mouthfeel dies not come across that way. The aroma does offer a little vanilla and mixed spices but couldn't pin point a singular. The taste is dynamic. You get a tang of blackcurrant, blackberry and/or plum upfront with a hint of aniseed carrying them. Then after the sharp fruit it dies off into spicy peppery bittering.