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M Special Brew Co
2 notes
M Special Brew Co
United States

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Post author: Klischat
10 months ago
Zu viel Zitronenlimonade, schmeckt eher gar nicht.

Post author: Chris B
Chris B
@ Moby Dicks
7 years ago
On this trip the great beers keep on coming. California really does this stuff well - great IPAs and Pale Ales in every bar. This is yet another winner. It's a really crisp and clean IPA, golden in colour and well hopped with a light fruitiness and tangy finish. Described by Mrs B as very chuggable. And indeed it is. Should really get extra points for being drunk in Moby Dicks out on the pier. Also there are plenty of Night Herons around here. They look great, but are noisy buggers and stink the trees out on the harbourside.