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Brixton Brewery
912 ratings
Brixton Brewery
London, England

In recent years, Brixton has swapped counter-culture cred for a clutch of the most feted foodie destinations in the capital. That might not seem good news to everyone (witness the stramash over the opening of a bar called 'Champagne + Fromage'), but it does make SW9 a great place to visit for London's greedier citizens. To the multitudinous delights that can be found in Brixton Market can now be added a brewery - and a good one at that. Brixton's beers are clearly influenced by what's happening across the Atlantic, so the emphasis is on hops. Since 2017, Heineken has owned a big chunk of Brixton.

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Post author: Olliearmstrong0
@ Tap on Tower Street, Harrogate
7 days ago
Not half bad to be fair, however, I would honestly say that the glass is better than the beer. Would also have to say that this beer, despite the name, wouldn’t go well with the track: Welcome to Brixton😢

Post author: MVA
14 days ago
IPA à 4.3%, à amertume modérée

Post author: DanTheBeer
@ Craft Beer Helsinki 2024
27 days ago
Correct bittery, citrus

Post author: Guitarfreak
@ The Walrus Bar & Hostel
27 days ago