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Walhalla Craft Beer
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Walhalla Craft Beer

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Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hoptimaal
2 months ago
Advent Calendar Beer #️⃣1️⃣8️⃣. What is my style tonight? Could it be a Bock? 😂 Oh yeahh! This beauty looks impenetrable but is actually translucent. But only the light test reveals the secret. The color is deep dark brown, like black coffee. The carbonation is introverted and releases a dense moussy head whose hue is cappuccino and height less than two fingers. The scent is really impotent. I can spot dark chocolate but that's pretty much it. Okay, wait a second. There's something new on the tastebuds, and it's cookie. The gustatory sphere is quite different from the fragrance. I'm getting licorice root, fennel, raw cacao powder, dark caramel and medium-strong rye malt. A silky creamy undertone softens the package. The body is medium-full to full. Very nice! The tail copies the upfront flavors carefully. Licorice, cacao and amply rye malt. That's the skeleton of the end. The mouthfeel is full, soft, smooth, intense, spiced and lip-glueing. Very enjoyable although not typical to the style.

Post author: Lindström W
Lindström W
7 months ago
Amsterdam IPA, satt fint.👍🏻 Ingen vidare uppdatering pga trötthet👏 tröttnidas ut

Post author: BiertrinkenderOger
7 months ago
Sehr sehr gutes Bier

Post author: Káitser
8 months ago
Eric bambas and I had this beer and it was really good. Mangoy hop ipa. Would try again.👍👍

Post author: Heidi M
Heidi M
@ De Bierkoning
8 months ago
Hyvää sitrus-souria! Maistuu sitruuna ja lime, vähän suolainen ja jälkimaussa ehkä vähän korianteria.