29 ratings
Hangar 24 Craft Brewery
United States
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Michael B
@ Double Tree Los Angeles (Commerce)2 years ago
Une petite dernière avant de décoller demain histoire de valider mon badge USA 😁. Plutôt originale cette blanche au goût d'orange. L'orange se fait timide mais elle est là. Pas mal.

@ The Temple Of Syrinx4 years ago
The alcoholic taste is not hidden in any way. Its strong and it knows it. 🚱

@ Valencia St. Station / San Francisco Airport, International Terminal5 years ago
Time to leave 🇺🇸
The beer fills the glass from tap as misty, orange. The relatively lively, regular-duration carbonation frees an off-white, velvety head that reaches one finger and settles gradually down to a hair-thin lacing on the surface. The retreating foam leaves a few tiny splatters on the glass.
The scent is mild citrusy: I pick a bit of orange peel, a silent sigh of tangerine and a bit of wheat flour.
The taste is a cocktail of slightly musty wheat malt, a pinch of wheat flour, a reasonable pour of orange zest, bitter orange peel and a gentle touch of tangerine.
The light-bodied beer finishes bitter-leaning citrusy elements, predominantly bitter orange peel, lemon pith and a decent layer of wheat malt. The aftertaste leaves this world after a while.
The mouthfeel is light, juicy, relatively refreshing and distantly tart. It's also slightly closed.

5 years ago
Meripihkanvärinen, samea olut puolen sormen vahvuisella vaahdolla.
Tuoksussa on hedelmää ja humalaa.
Olut on keskitäyteläinen, hapokas, makea, kuiva ja pehmeä.
Mausta löytyy hedelmää, katkeroa, sitrusta, karamellia ja mallasta.
Hyvä, perinteinen dipa. Ei löydy erikoisuuksia, mutta perusasiat on kunnossa ja maut tasapainossa.
(3+9+4+8+15=39) 3,9

Dr. Woodchuck
6 years ago
Another one from my Canada Craft Club subscription. It is advertised as being made with local (California) oranges but there's absolutely zero citrus flavour to this. It's cloudy and slightly orange coloured but, sadly, no orange flavour. Husband found it sour but I found it just a bland wheat beer. Not very effervescent, not much head, not much of anything to write about. Just a really big bottle.